How to move or remove SC Deals

How to remove SC Deals from Teams?

If you decide to remove SC Deals from Teams, admin users can go to the Settings page and choose Remove SC Deals -button. This will remove everything from our back-end, and the bot will stop functioning.

Then, on the Teams Apps -page, you can choose to delete the SC Deals bot. In some cases, depending on your organization settings, you will need to have Teams admin rights.

Do not forget to cancel your subscription on the My Account -page

How to move from test environment to production environment?

One common scenario when you need to remove SC Deals is when you want to first test SC Deals on your D365 test environment before launching it to the production environment. This is a very good practice, and we encourage you to do it.

To do the transition, your admin user can go to the Settings page and choose Remove SC Deals -button. After that, the admin user can start over the setup wizard and choose the production environment during the deployment process.

If you need help with anything, contact us, we are quick to reply!