In Supervise Oy and its subsidiary companies (later “Supervise” or “We”) we respect the privacy of our customers. Protecting the privacy of individuals is extremely important to us as a provider of software as a service (SaaS). When it comes to personal data management, we want to offer the uttermost transparency for the customers or potential customers whose data is being processed (later “User(s)”) using our service SuperCards (later“Service” and/or “Software”).Confidentially in data processing is our priority, in compliance with both the Finnish personal data law (henkilötietolaki 523/1999), the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union and the principles of good faith and fair dealing.
With the present terms of use and privacy policy description, we aim to clearly expose how the personal information collected about our software users is stored and processed. The use of the service will suppose a tacit acceptation of those terms and conditions. That means that, as a software user, you give your consent to the collection and treatment of your personal data in the manners hereby expressed. We reserve the right to update and change these terms and conditions at any time in order to comply with the current laws and regulations.
The software SuperCards and all its content is owned by Supervise Oy and protected by copyright, trademark and license laws as well as any other rights applicable. Such protection is extended to Supervise Oy subsidiaries, employees or third parties. Therefore, total or partial reproduction is prohibited by any means, without express written authorization.
Personal use of the texts, data and information contained in the service is allowed. However, permission from Supervise Oy is required to publish them on any medium or to use them, distribute them or include them in other contexts accessible to third parties.
In Supervise Oy, we collect information (such as user’s name, last name, username, email address, password, billing information, contact information) concerning the use of the service and the user experience with the purpose of providing access to our service and support service, to issue the necessary billing and to perform any other obligations derived from our contractual agreement with the user. We will also collect and process personal data through cookies and similar tracking technologies with the legitimate interest to evaluate the usage and performance quality of our software for continuous enhancement. We also use the data you provide to us in order to respond to your contact requests, to measure the performance of our sales and marketing campaigns, to send you information about our product and services promotions (always within the limits allowed by law), to enhance our customer communications and to identify potential customers.
The collected data will be analyzed in an anonymous manner and aggregated to our personal data repository for the legitimate interest of keeping use statistics and performance benchmarking, as well as to improve the functionalities of our software via usage analysis.
In our website, we only collect the data and contact information that you voluntarily decide to send us when filling out any of the forms available to file a contact request. Only in the case that your browser settings allows cookies, your IP address can be combined with the information you fill to one of our forms. This is done with the goal of making our customer communications more efficient and personalised. The information you decide to send us via our forms may be saved in our CRM system for future communications, should you agree on it.
In Supervise Oy we collect and manage the data that our users give us in order to provide our service and its billing. The data provided will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or for the time necessary to comply with legal obligations and meet the possible responsibilities that may arise from fulfilling the purpose for which the data were collected.
In Supervise Oy we will not give or sell your information to third parties outside our organization or its subsidiaries. The only way in which your information will be used is as described on this privacy policy. Furthermore, inside Supervise Oy, only those employees whose job duties require for them to access your data will in fact have access to your information. However, please note that your information might be given to other companies providing US services within the European Union such as banks (for invoicing purposes). Despite that information transmission, those companies will not have the right to use your information for their own purposes.
Article 5.1.f of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) determines the need to establish adequate security guarantees against unauthorized or unlawful treatment, against loss of personal data, destruction or accidental damage. This implies the establishment of technical and organizational measures aimed at ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of personal data and the possibility of demonstrating, as established in article 5.2, that these measures have been put into practice (proactive responsibility).
You have the right to access any personal data that we have saved, request changes, request deletion of the data, oppose to the use of the data (even when not deleted), request to obtain a copy of the data store for yourself or a third party, or request a temporary limitation on the use of the data. Any request relating to these rights can be sent to us via email , telephone or postal service, to the following addresses:
Supervise Oy – Business ID: 2859276-5
Urho Kekkosen katu 2C, 00100 Helsinki
+358 20 730 7755
Likewise, and especially if you consider that you have not obtained full satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you may file a complaint with the national control authority by addressing the Finnish Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman, Ratapihantie 9, 00520, Helsinki.
If you do not want our website to set cookies, you can disable cookies in your browser settings. However, please note note that disabling cookies can affect your experience of our site.
We use cookies and other tracking technologies to ensure a safe use of our software and to enhance the provided service quality.
A cookie is a small information bit sent by a website and stored in the user’s browser, so that the website can check the user’s previous activity. Its main function is to keep track of users: when a user enters their username and password, a cookie is stored so that they do not have to be entering them for each page of the server. However, a cookie does not identify only one person, but a combination of computer-browser-user.
Our website, like most Internet sites, uses cookies. The only purpose of these is to analyze the navigation of users through the web, so that this information is stored and can be identified until the browser closes. We assure you that none of them retain personally identifiable information about you.
List of cookies that this website stores:
Supervise: _gali, _gat, _gi, _ga, _rs6_overview_pagination,
By browsing our website and using our software you will consent to the use of cookies. If you do not allow the installation of cookies in your browser, you may not be able to access some of the services and your experience on the website may be less satisfactory. The use of cookies can be deleted, accepted or blocked as desired. For this you should only conveniently configure the web browser.
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