In the current state of business around the world, with a still strong health crisis that has put a heavy toll on the sales of many companies, campaign performance tracking technologies have become widely popular and terms like growth hacker are the latest buzzword. However, while almost all online marketing and sales efforts are being easily and consistently tracked, sales calls are often one of the most neglected activities when it comes to keeping up with the results.
Although use of sales calls is not the preferred form of communication in the business world anymore (text is winning that race) it’s still one of the best forms of interpersonal communication as well as one of the most common sales techniques used to reach prospects and existing customers alike. And yet, many companies still treat their sales calls like a sort of opaque operation.
When it comes to offline customer journeys, many companies struggle not only to determine the ROI of their marketing efforts, but also to know how to best use their budgets to obtain more conversions for less money. This is particularly difficult for those companies where sales calls are one of the main sales generating activities.
Using a software to track sales calls and their performance can help those companies gain a better understanding of the outcome of their campaigns and determine the best course of action. Sales calls tracking software work by registering all important data from sales calls, capturing insights regarding the quality, urgency, and conversion rate of each one.
It is high time for including sales calls tracking as dimension of your business analytics. A sales call tracking solution will help your company measure how your offline inbound calls are performing, and analyze the quality and conversion rate of those calls at scale. The insights obtained can be used then to optimize sales performance with the ultimate goal of obtaining the highest possible amount of qualified phone leads with the lowest cost per lead.
With 44% of businesses stating an intention to increase their IT budgets in 2020, companies are investing in new sales solutions to better adapt to the new competitive environment. A sales calls tracking software is one of the best investments in sales solutions that a company could make without a doubt. However, it is necessary to know which are the features to look for in a good sales tracking solution, as not all of them are equally equipped to offer you the best performance.
One of the most common promises made by most sales softwares is their capacity to boost data-driven sales. And, yet, not all sales solutions are the same. Just having a sales calls tracking software in place will guarantee an increase on closed deals. The functionality of the system and, mainly, the fact that it is liked and therefore used by the workforce, will be major determinants on the achievement of that promise.
When choosing a sales calls tracking software, be sure that it checks all these boxes:
Our first rule for any business software is that it must be easy to use. 30% of salespeople say closing deals is getting harder and harder. That is not surprising, if we consider the increment in the number of competitior and the overload of marketing messages that prospects are exposed to daily. There’s no need to make the job of your salesforce harder by using a complicated software.
The best possible software will be one that is both easy to install and easy to use for both your sales and marketing teams. Using a software that works on top of an already widely spread and known program, like Teams, could be an excellent option.
Most salesforce workers will agree that one of the most important aspects for a successful sales call is timing. Scheduling the calls that need to be made is then a very important step of the process.
When a customer needs to be called, the sales rep must be notified so that they can make the call happen. If there’s something that customers hate more than unwanted calls is to wait for a call that never happens.
With time, the size and needs of your company and your salesforce will change. That is why the sales calls tracking software that you choose must be able to change with it. Make sure that the solution you choose has the capability to scale, and check the costs associated with doing so. If the software gets significantly more expensive at higher levels, consider whether or not it’ll still produce a positive ROI for your team. Your needs are unique, so your call tracking software must be flexible and customizable enough to meet these needs.
It is very important to careful consider all the options available when choosing a sales calls tracking software. Nowadays, with organizations increasingly striving to provide seamless customer experience every stage of the customer journey, and the pressure on measuring performance of sales, some unscrupulous software providers are trying to get onboard this wagon, offering low-performing solutions that do not necessarily meet the requirements listed above.
In Supervise, we are offering you SuperCards, the only software that your salesforce will ever need, built on top of the robust and safe environment of Microsoft Teams. Within SuperCards, you can find our very own sales calls tracking solution, SC Calls, or you can just acquire it as a stand-alone plug-in.
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